Modern Tiny Homes: Top Design Trends for the Future
Minimalism appears to be the wave of the future. Modern design trends – from fashion, to architecture, to art, to interior design – are embracing the concept of “less is more”. The younger generation is onboard with this shift as well: according to Forbes, 78% of millenials “would rather pay for an experience than material goods.” Tiny homes and tiny living fit in seamlessly with this modern movement towards simplicity and sleekness.
Future Focused: Modern Tiny Homes
Many predict that tiny living will be the preferred way of living in the future. Even now, studies show that more than half of Americans would consider living in a home that’s less than 600 square feet, and the interest increases to 63% among millenials. Among the many styles of tiny houses, modern tiny homes are increasingly sought-after as their sleek look and simplistic yet innovative design are perfectly suited for efficient, minimalist living. However, though modern tiny homes may be simple, they do not have to compromise on comfort, beauty or luxury. With less square footage to design and build, you can afford to put more money and attention towards the details, and the result will be a more curated and intentional living space.
Modern Prefab Tiny Homes
Prefabricated tiny homes are a great solution for those who want a sleek, modern, well thought-out, and luxurious home at a fraction of the price of the average-sized, modern home. Going with a prefabricated tiny home will also save you time and money compared to more customized tiny homes. Prefab tiny homes are best when they have been carefully designed and constructed by experienced and professional tiny house builders who understand what tiny house living is all about. Prefab homes are also attractive for their convenience and sustainability – they can be assembled more quickly and with minimal waste.
Luxury, Custom, and Modern, Oh My!
For a more luxurious, modern tiny home suited to your own personal style and way of life, you can design a fully-customized tiny home from the ground up. This option allows you to start with a blank page and select each and every detail of your home, from the quality of the floorboards to the size of your rooftop garden. Of course, you’ll pay more than you would for a modern prefab home, but the possibilities are truly endless! Many modern tiny homes are customized with minimalism in mind, featuring innovative storage solutions, flexible living spaces, and more connection with the outdoors. Increasingly, people are also choosing to customize for sustainability, adding “green” features like solar panels or advanced rainwater collection systems.
Modern Tiny Homes for Sale
Looking to buy, design or build a modern tiny home? Tiny Heirloom is a one-stop shop where you can choose from our Signature Series of modern tiny homes, or dream up the modern, high-end, one-of-a-kind tiny home of your dreams. Start with a free consultation with our expert team and let us walk you through your options!